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'With positive actions and publicity, we want to change the way we think about and the lives of homeless people. In addition, we can experience empathy, humanity, moving vulnerability and beauty ourselves. '
Theo Lens

Download (Policy plan 2019 - 2022)

The DR. LENS FOUNDATION believes that every homeless person must be regarded and respected as a worthy person, and must therefore be greeted and treated as a matter of course in the community. They are indeed the painful mirror of an imperfect world in which not everyone has an equal privilege or fortune for a good existence. But homeless people offer us, the well to do community, the opportunity to experience empathy, humanity, vulnerability and beauty, to practice these aspects and to contribute to the healing and well-being of a fellow human being. We can experience how we change the world and enrich our own well-being by dignifying and illuminating the lives of homeless persons with positive actions and attention. Every wandering person needs - and rightly - attention, healing, opportunities and a helping hand from the community, us. Inclusiveness and dignity for every vulnerable person without a home, that is what DR.LENS FOUNDATION directly and indirectly promotes and realizes..

Positive actions

The foundation wants to achieve its objective with positive actions, by:

  • supporting individuals, projects and institutions that pursue this social inclusiveness and dignity of every homeless person;
  • initiating, stimulating and facilitating publicity, initiatives and programs around homeless people and the 'inclusive' community;
  • stimulating social awareness through positive presentations, meetings, collaborations and social events and setting up practical 'inclusion actions' on this theme;
  • building up an (inter) national network that wants to contribute unpaid from societal involvement to worthy programs, solutions and actions to facilitate the inclusiveness and dignified quality of life of homeless people as fellow humans.

See current and recent actions of the foundation here

Our assets

The foundation's assets are formed by:

  • subsidies and donations;
  • what is obtained by inheritances and legacies;
  • which is obtained in another way.